Les Hackteliers was an event that I organised with and within the InSituHackLab (hackerspace of the lycée Le Corbusier) in partnership with the Hackstub of Strasbourg. This project was a response to the “appel à projets” from the Shadok : Fabrique du numérique.






“A week-end to discover, understand, experiment with electronic and digital tools, but mainly to create thanks to the Open Source Hardware. The opportunity for people of all ages, beginners or experts, hybrid and polymorphous, to gather around workshops, conferences and showcases. We will demystify, dismantle and hack the technologies and the everyday objects to foster innovation and give back the power to the people.
In a nutshell, to have fun by questionning our way of doing together, to build differently.”

This was the calling to draw as much people as possible to our event.
The event took place in three hubs : The first one allowed visitors to experiment and play with existing piece of work, like the cadavre exquis “hacknimaux” or the giant interactive game board. They could also create small robots and drawing machines. The second hub invited small teams to create a device within the two days.
Several workshops where available : build your own monome with NeoPixels LED and a MakeyMakey;
build a 3D printer or a Polargraph : device that draws on vertical surfaces.
The third time was dedicated to a round-table conference with debates between the visitors and three guests :
Hugo Moreau (director of Utopie 2.1), Emmanuel Gilloz (OpenEdge), François Kormann (representing La Fabrique) around the DIY, the hacking and the new Maker practices.






